Documentation on how to use Rustalytics
To get started with chat commands you need to create a team and have the bot connected
Shows you the exact playercount of the server + if there is anyone connecting / in a queue.
Tells you the time ingame, informs you when the sun is setting /
when the sun is rising.
- Times are accurate within a few seconds on vanilla servers
Lets you know when the server last wiped.
This command tells you when cargo was last out. If it is currently out it tells you if it has docked a harbor yet, how many crates have spawned, how long it has been out for and if it is docked there is a timer on where it leaved as well the time since it left after
This command will tell you if heli is out and where it is at, if it has been taken it will tell you how long ago and at what grid, an automatic command will also tell you as soon as heli comes out and you will be notified in chat.
!oil, !smoil, !small, !loil, !large
Any one of these commands will inform you whether or not either oil rig crate has been activated / will tell you how long is left on the crate / whether or not the radiation is activated. (!oil shows both rigs.)
If you are the team leader and need to give another member of the team leader remotely, this command will remotely give the other player leader.
This command shows you who in your team is offline / offline or AFK.
When you pair a smart switch. There will come a message in the chat and you can do !switch (id) (name) and then turn it on and off by !name. (eg. !switch 15234 turrets. then !turrets to toggle after paired)
!(Switch Name)
The name of the switch will get it's own command for example "!switch 15234 turrets" will result in a command named "!turrets" that will toggle the switch
!buy & !sell
Use these commands with an item in rust after it, this command will then search the maps vending machines for trades. (eg. !buy thompson)
Use this command with an item in rust after it, this command will tell you what you need to have + if you need a workbench to craft the item. (eg. !craft ak)
Use this command with an item in rust after it, this command will then tell you what you will receive if you recycle the item. (eg. !recycle tactical gloves)
Use this command with a time after it (15s/20m/3h) and then an activity such as not forgetting an airdrop. (eg. !timer 10m airdrop coming down)
See when the chinook helicopter was last out and where the crate was dropped. Useful because the chinook often drops on the same monument.
Lists the players you have placed a tracker on and whether they are online or not
Lists the switches that are paired
A command to see the status of the traveling vendor. Shows how long it has been out for, when it leaves, when it restocks and if not out approximately when it respawns